Tuesday, July 14, 2009

A Little on the SHORT Side

Rowan is doing tremendously well. He has come so far in such a short time. Six months ago at six months of age he couldn't hold his head up, sit up by himself, or drink without dribbling. Today, at a year old he is belly crawling, starting to cruise along the couch, and he eats anything we put in front of him. He's also gained 11 pounds and grown four inches! Unfortunately, he's still short. I'll be honest. I'm a little worried. When you think about it, four inches in six months really isn't that big a deal. I've known adopted kids who grew two inches in two weeks! Rowan is obviously taking his time. Babies are supposed to grow ten inches their first year so Rowan has some catching up to do. We're going to give it another year before we really worry. I can't help but pray about it though. Before we got our referrel, one of my prayers was that he would be tall. I grew up in a short family and I didn't and don't want him to go through the hardships I saw some of them go through especially my sister. I just know life will be a little harder for him if he is short. It's not fair and it shouldn't matter but it does and it will. I am trying very hard to remember that God is in charge, that he has great plans for Rowan, and that this is something I need to trust him for completely. I must not pray my will into Rowan's life but rather God's. I'm still going to pray that he'll grow. How could I not?
Even though Rowan is doing so much better, he is still not reaching all his milestones when he should so we have an appointment with a neurologist next week. Amazingly, the neurologist is actually in Erie so we don't have to go to Pittsburgh. Yeah! We don't expect there to be anything wrong but we do need to be proactive. Hopefully next week I'll have nothing to report.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Would I be that short sister you are refering to? Not only did Rowan get my short staure, but he got my curly hair, to! Lucky boy! Ha ha ha! :)