Monday, November 10, 2008

Update on Kidus

Grace is in Ethiopia so I've gotten a very short update on my soon-to-be son. As any PAP would tell you any information is very much appreciated but it is never enough. It is like having just a taste of something delectable. It always leaves you wanting more. Unfortunately, the information she had for me didn't ease my mind. She wrote that the two times she saw him he was in a bad mood! What does this mean? He's only four months old. How can a four-month-old be in a bad mood? Of course, I worried. Could there be something wrong that is causing him to be cranky? Is he sick? Does he need more food, more attention, more love? Does he need his momma cause his momma sure needs him. December 12 can't come around fast enough. Oh, I just want him home. Home with me. Home with his dad, with his sisters. Home where he belongs. Lord, please bring him home soon. SOON! I mustn't stop praying. I must leave nothing to chance. This is by far the hardest thing I've ever done and it is taking more faith then I have most days. I don't know how anyone could do this and not know God. It is unfathomable to me because this process is so long, so arduous, so unpredictable, so scary, so exciting, so joyful. God has been there for those scary moments when I've had to throw up my hands and say "take the wheel, Lord" and for those joyous moments when I just scream "thank you Lord, thank you." He is always one step ahead of me and is a pioneer in my day. Isn't that comforting! Thank you Lord for adopting me as your child. Thank you for choosing me to be an adoptive mom. Thank you for my little boy. Thank you for being a pioneer in my life, for going before me and paving the way. Thank you Lord.

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